Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Are you Tree Free, Are you O'bon?

Sometimes the universe does send you feedback...here is how... these past few days, other than suffering from a somewhat frozen left shoulder, my mind has been pre-occupied with "...recycle, recycle recycle..." then my brother manifested from KL before me and said "check out this impossible to break O'bon pencil made from recycled newspaper."
Ladies & Gentlemen, may I present you the innovative & revolutionary O'bon superlovers - saving the trees and our children. The very concept of recycling newspapers into pencils, pens and ring binders is something to applaud. Products such as those at O'bon make the world a better place. Much better than making money and destroying our not infinite natural resources at the same time. Plus, O'bon certainly is up to passing John Elkington's Triple Bottom line test i.e. measuring business success in the broadened criteria of economic, social and envrionment.
O'bon's (http://www.obon.us/) offer a range of stationary such as pencils, pens, erasers and ring binders. The O'bon pencils are their flagship products and unlike traditional wood pencils, they are made from rolling recycled paper with O'bon super tight roll-on method (i hope they have patented this secret technology!) with water based glue. This way of rolling means the O'bon pencil is shock free when dropped. Since the graphite is not broken easily when dropped, it will last longer! And they are 100%toxin-free, conforming with EU standard of safety-this is good news, even I (someone who is not a mother) know about how kids love to put fingers in their mouths!
The pencils come in many series such as Original, Newspapers, Fruits, Wildlife and my favourite the Rainbow series.
The ring-binders are also very vibrant in colours and design. Most imporantly they are dioxin-free. Want to know about dioxin, the actions you can take to reduce dioxin consumption - click here to hear from the experts:
The Patriot pens are also dioxin-free! It seems that one of the marketing strategies is to encourage companies use their products. If so, my suggestion is that O'bon may want to create a black & white or other cool clours corporate series as an alternative for the more serious corporate. Or consider house-branding O'bon products for a big client- bottom line permitting of course. There are so many creative ways to distribute the products and thus passing on the new black message. If you have not realised already, green is the new black.
And by the way, I am independent blogger who writes with absolute unfettered discretion. Nor do I receive any incentive, financial or otherwise from O'bon. (In fact, O'bon is probably not aware about this log, and I just wrote to them seeking their consent to display the two images above- if they are not happy with it, I will remove the pics). I applaud superlovers out there and write about products or whatever which support my vision to make the world a better place-which reminds me- I will need to add no. 11 to UMA's tips to go green "Say No to wood pencils and use O'bon pencil" and also amend no. 8-say NO to plastic to include pens and ring-binders.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your kind words and encouraging support. Also, thanks for the advice on branding and corporate outreach. Love your blog and of course, you can use our images. It is with support from bloggers and environmentalists like you that we have a chance to make the world different. From John Davis, Director of O'BON International
